A fifteen-year-old teen who doesn’t know what to wear

Readers of my German blog know this tradition of “blog birthday blog posts”. Another year has passed, and I’ve been blogging on this site for 15 years now. In that time, 401 posts have come together, but I only translated 188 into English, which I plan to change. So today is not the end of me blogging.

Closing More Plugins

A year ago, I announced that I had my first plugin closed. Since then, I’ve had four more removed from the Plugin Directory because either their functionality is now included into Core, or the technology behind them is no longer used. I’ll close another one when Preferred Languages finally lands in Core.

The numbers for the past year

Unfortunately, visits on the German site have also decreased by almost 18%, while on the English site, it was only 2% less. I can’t know exactly why this happened, but I hope that everyone who reads actively also finds the right content. If not, feel free to wish for a topic. Hopefully I don’t only get more readers, if I write something about AI. 😅

The number of visits on the English site continues to be higher than on the German one and increased from 53.4% to 57.8%. That’s why I’ve translated this blog post as well (I usually write English first, but only wrote the birthday blog posts in German).

Top3 in the past year

  1. Repair a broken Git Repository file system
  2. Create users in WordPress using the REST API
  3. Update all composer dependencies to their latest versions

It’s interesting to see, that hugely different blog posts made it into the Top3 compared to my German blog. As I haven’t really did a Top3 for past years, I can’t tell how they have changed. I might update this section, after I translated the previous birthday blog posts. A quick check on the statistics of last year shows the same three blog posts, only position 1 and 2 have changed.

Still no new theme

A year ago, I announced here that I wanted to work on a new theme. And as you could follow in previous posts, I’m making very good progress. I actually planned to use the new theme today for my blog’s birthday, but it’s not as good as I’d like it to be.

I’m writing this post from a hotel on the way back from WordCamp Europe 2024. That’s also why I couldn’t work on it as much. Just yesterday, I finally finished the footer on the train, and with the progress I made, all parts were newly created. But when exporting everything into the theme files, the footer suddenly broke. I was able to fix that today, but there are still many small details to be designed. Currently, I’m working on the comments section below the blog posts. But basic styles, like lists, tables, and similar content, also need to be adjusted. More on that in future posts.

And then I realized that my blog’s birthday isn’t the perfect day for the new theme, because 12 years ago, I was also looking for a new theme on the blog’s birthday and then activated it exactly a month later. So mark 12 July in your calendar.


So there’s still a lot going on, and I use many of my free minutes in my spare time to keep working on the blog. I hope the final theme also be something other people enjoy and use.

Oh yes, while I’m typing these lines, the soccer European Championship is on the TV in the hotel room. But those who know me, should also know that I don’t really into watching soccer. So there’s no video on that topic, but instead writing this from Switzerland, here’s the video with the announcement for the next WordCamp Europe, which I’ll definitely attend as well:

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Bernhard is a full time web developer who likes to write WordPress plugins in his free time and is an active member of the WP Meetups in Berlin and Potsdam.

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