I finally decided to set up my first blog. I decided to do that after I had to work with WordPress for my employer. I was searching for a nice auto complete plugin like the one used at Google Suggest. But I haven’t found a good one. So I determined to write my own little plugin for this feature.
After having coded a good first version I wanted to share it with the community. So I first build a small website to present the plugin. I also tried to translate the page using the gettext functionality of php which I finally solved successfully after many hard tries.
But then I decided to present the plugin where it’s supposed to be presented, in a blog. User can than also easiliy test it, being always up to date and see the changes.
I don’t know what the future post will be about. But it will mostly have to do with webdevelopment. I hope you enjoy reading the blog and you’ll get some new ideas. I would like to hear your comments and what you you would like to have as future features.