Some of you might not know, what this title means. But today the two internet organizations WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) and W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has agreed to a consitent name for the next HTML version.
The W3C used the spelling with a space and the WHATWG the spelling without the space. After the news has been published in some forums and news sites, the German Wikipedia article has been changed at 13:43 and even the W3C has updated his specification to HTML5.
For some of you, this might not be a big news, but now we finally know, how to write HTML5 correctly. I think the spelling without a space is more consequent, as e.g. CSS3 also has no space. But in the field of markup languages we still have XHTML 1.0 and others, which would look strange without a space. I still grieve for XHTML 2.0 which will no longer be focued on, in favor of HTML5. But I hope that the web developer will learn to write valid code using HTML5 in the future.
What do you think about it? Is this really a news, or do you think the W3C should focus on real issues? I would like them to complete the spedification for CCS3 so we can use nice things like border-radius or shadows.